We invite you to explore all four blogs to learn about the engaging ways our members are preparing to be the leaders of tomorrow, how their passion is making a difference in the community and how you can be inspired to make a positive change in the world around you.
My favorite holiday, Earth Day is tomorrow, April 22! Although we should consider our impact on the planet every day, Earth Day is an excellent time to evaluate our habits and lifestyles, and make a pledge to do our best.
March has arrived, ushering in longer days and more sunlight. If this has you dreaming of the beach look no further than the rocks and shores of Sandy Hook, New Jersey. From November through April seals can be spotted along the New Jersey coastline.
The backdrop of white really makes certain birds stand out like beautiful Blue Jays, our yellow state bird the American Goldfinch, and ruby-red Northern Cardinals. Let’s dive a little deeper into what makes these birds so colorful!
The holiday season is officially upon us! ‘Tis the season for food, family, gifts, and good cheer! During this time when we reflect on what we are thankful for and make resolutions for the new year, don’t forget planet earth amidst
Ahhh yes, the familiar feeling of cool, crisp air is always so comforting to me. It brings relief after a scorching summer, and reminds me that every year, without fail, the autumn season will return.
Bald heads…sharp beaks…bacteria covered bodies…connoisseurs of rotten meat…are not characteristics that usually summon nature’s awe-inspiring beauty. But as we all know, beauty is only skin deep. The very existence of vultures helps to…
Horseshoe crabs must be doing something right—they have existed for over 400 million years—that’s 200 million years before the first dinosaurs roamed. Although planet earth has undergone some serious evolutionary changes in this time, horseshoe…
I have distinct childhood memories of being kept awake by the constant, droning noise of cicadas during hot summer nights with the windows open. Get ready to welcome this ridiculously…
March may have come in like a lion, but everywhere you look, there are signs of spring! Not only have our white surroundings slowly turned back to green (or brown from mud, lots of mud), but tiny buds are…
Right now, here in New Jersey, in the United States, on Planet Earth it is 30 degrees outside and lightly snowing. As much as I truly love the snow, even I am starting to dream of spring. But when I think of what it might be like to live on Mars, I remind myself to be grateful.
Since groundhogs only get love one day a year, I thought I would devote an entire blog post to these furry loners.
Recently, while on a hike with my dog near a small branch of the Raritan River, I saw a great blue heron spread its wings and fly away. It was already leaving by the time I became aware of its presence, so I was only able…
As we move into the winter season, the world outside has become quiet and barren. But if we look closely, there is still plenty of life happening all around and there are many opportunities for scientific exploration waiting to be…
The snowfall here in New Jersey really makes it feel and look like winter! The frigid temperatures and white landscape came just in time for the official first day of the season on Monday, December 21 –the winter solstice. Moving through these dark days, I find…
Green is not the first color that comes to mind when thinking of the winter season. But if you look around outside this time of year, you will still see green in the forest. It belongs to a certain type of tree called Evergreens. This greenery is a familiar sight during the holiday season, as it is used for decorations, like…
Now that the leaves have completed their annual dance to the ground, the branches will be bare until spring. Although this time of year is quiet in the wild world, it is a great time to bird watch. The lack of leaves exposes some action that is blocked to us in other…
Lately, I’ve been having turkey sightings in my yard. They appear in groups or flocks called “rafters” of up to 20 or more, and forage through my yard. They only leave the woods edge to indulge in fallen acorns closer to the house. The word turkey has a second meaning in our language of silly or even dumb. But turkeys are smarter…
The universe is coming together in a mystical and eerie way, just in time for Halloween this year. On Saturday, October 31, 2020, there will not only be a full moon, but a blue moon…a full blue moon!
As we move further into fall and approach winter, you may notice animals in a scurry on the ground. Eventually, you will also notice fewer animals out and about. This is because winter is a risky time for warm-blooded animals. The freezing temperatures and scarcity of food leaves many species vulnerable during…
While the arrival of fall and cooler weather makes the landscape bleak, don’t despair! The falling leaves can reveal treasures that are hidden during the rest of the year. October is time for owls to begin preparing for winter breeding by designating nesting…
It’s happening! Right on cue, the autumn season has coaxed the Oak and Sycamore trees in my backyard into revealing brilliant shades of yellow and orange. This stunning show put on by nature every year is actually caused by a complex chemical process happening within…
If they haven’t left yet, monarch butterflies and migratory birds like hummingbirds, are making their way South to overwintering grounds. The decreasing daylight hours signals that it is time to go, and sets in motion many processes…
After an incredibly dry summer, rainy weather has turned the ground wet and soggy, the perfect environment to discover the magical world of fungi! Late summer and early autumn provide optimal conditions for fungi…
I am in disbelief that it is already September! How did that happen? No matter the joys or tragedies that occur in our human existence, nature keeps moving and changing around us. You may have noticed the sun setting a bit earlier, the evenings and mornings are now chilly, your garden is ever so slightly…
There’s nothing like sleeping in the woods, feeling the breeze come through your tent, and hearing the birds chirp you awake in the morning. This past weekend I was finally able to go camping in the Delaware Water Gap area of New Jersey. Serendipitously, the Lakota Wolf Preserve…
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been getting A LOT of mosquito bites lately! Although being itchy is part of the summer experience, I find myself wondering about the purpose of these little pests. With this blog I hope to remind you that…
Coral Reef Awareness Week started July 25 and runs through tomorrow August 1, 2020. A whole week is devoted to coral reefs because they are one of the most diverse and important elements of Earth’s ecosystem. With an infinite variety…
If towns are shutting down entire roads for you, you must be important right? Every Spring in Central New Jersey, temporary road closures are created to protect amphibians who migrate across roads in search of perfect mating grounds. In March and April as the temperatures warm to 40-45 degrees, amphibians…
I am excited to highlight moths in the blog because they get far less attention then their butterfly relatives. What better time to shine a light on moths, then during Moth Week? National Moth Week runs this year from July 18-26 and was created by…
I finally made it to the beach for the first time this summer! It is probably the farthest I’ve been from home since March, when the world screeched to a halt. I didn’t realize how much I needed to be in a different place and how much I needed to be in an open…
Somerset County 4-H members have big hearts for helping the community. Thank you to the 4-H RC Car, Junior Council, Dog, and On Target Archery clubs for generous donations.
This past December, several Somerset County 4-H clubs were busy spreading holiday cheer! Clubs participating in amazing community service include People Pick Me Ups, Woolly Ones, the 4-H Outdoor Club, and 4-H Radio Control Car Club.
Somerset County 4-H Junior and Senior Council members were recently trained in first aid techniques under the guidance of Ernie Hall, an EMT and 4-H volunteer. Members learned how to properly bandage/wrap wounds and apply tourniquets through interactive, hands-on activities.
The saying “many hands make light work” was brought to life by the Clover Ensemble as they donated part of their club meetings to community service. The members helped flatten and sort plastic bags that are then transformed into sleeping mats.
Just Kidding, Somerset County 4-H goat club was awarded first place in the Junior American Citizens community services contest hosted by Daughters of the American Revolution.
In November, the 4-H/Middle Earth Student Ambassadors for Community Health (SACH) hosted “Rediscover Your Community,” an event in Bound Brook and South Bound Brook.
The Garden and Bee Club takes the community service aspect of 4-H culture to the next level! Since it was established seven years ago, they annually dedicate a large portion of their plot as a donation garden.
With many local areas impacted by Hurricane Ida, the Plainfield Area Humane Society was in desperate need of supplies. The Somerset County 4-H Wags & Whiskers club stepped up and created a donation drive which helped raise countless food, toys, and additional supplies for the shelter and its many animals in need of a loving home.
With many community members disconnected from friends and family this season, the Somerset County 4-H Association Annual Community Holiday Dinner adapted into a drive through event in order to spread holiday cheer and provide free meals within the community.
With food insecurity rising among communities due to COVID-19, the Somerset County 4-H & Middle Earth Student Ambassadors for Community Health (SACH) worked together to develop and build a “Little Free Pantry” at Mariposa Park located in Bound Brook, New Jersey.
With a steady demand for masks impacting many local organizations and leaders, the Somerset County 4-H Pins & Needles club designed, created, and distributed 110 hand-made masks for front-line workers in communities across central New Jersey.
As communities across the country face food shortages and many families struggling to find their next meal, Somerset County 4-H Piano & Music Club dedicated their time and resources to donating…
With essential workers constantly putting their lives on the line for their community, the Somerset County Crazy Frog Hoppers Double Dutch 4-H Club focused on volunteering their time by donating Hero Bags containing…
As a combined effort between Somerset County 4-H and Middle Earth, the Student Ambassadors for Community Health (SACH) club was able to completely revitalize a community park in Bound Brook, NJ through…
The group community service entry of That’s Sew Crafty and Furry Friends in the 2024-2025 J.A.C. (Junior American Citizen) contest has won first place in the Eastern Division and has advanced to the National contest.
The most effective way to become a skilled public speaker is through consistent practice. To achieve excellence, however, one must combine confidence, expertise, and passion.
Somerset 4-H Woof Dog Club members Lilly van Sleewen and Annalise Gaudet traveled to NYC to volunteer at the American Kennel Club's Meet The Breeds at the Jacob Javitts Center.
Congratulations to Jill Brochinsky, Somerset County 4-H Program Coordinator, for receiving the 2025 RCE Award for Excellence!
We recognize Mike Powell and Ethan Gassman as the 2024 Dale E. Artfitch Sportsman Award recipients.
Congratulations to both of these 4-H members!
Congratulations to our 2024 Round Robin Participants!
Congratulations to our 2024 Outstanding 4-H Members, Alum, and Volunteer Recipients!
Congratulations to our 2024 Somerset County 4-H Scholarship Recipients!
Congratulations to our WOOF Dog Club and K-9 Leaders Seeing Eye Puppy Club members for their outstanding performance at the 2024 State 4-H Dog Show! This year’s show was held at our very own Ted Blum 4-H Center on June 8.
On Sunday, June 9th, current and former
4-H’ers gathered at the Ted Blum 4-H Center of Somerset County, New Jersey to celebrate a special anniversary. On that day 50 years prior, the 4-H center was officially opened.
Alumni of 4-H programs have reported that their involvement in 4-H programming has influenced their career paths and provided them with valuable lifelong contacts
This past November, Somerset County 4-H Member Savanna Michalak of Woof Dog Club competed at the Philadelphia Kennel Club with her dog, an Australian Shepherd named Hawk, and won Best Junior at the competition.
November was a month to give thanks to our amazing 4-H leaders and club members for all they contribute to our program and for sharing their time and talents with our community.
Somerset County 4-H would like to extend a warm congratulations to our 2023 4-H Scholarship Recipients, who have distinguished themselves as incredible leaders in our community. We are proud to acknowledge the achievements of Scout Lowrie, Arun Pabuwal, Jacquilin Kirby, Kelson Lowrie, Michael Powell, Molly Yesalavich, Lacey Lamberson, Malik Reid, and Megan Norz.
Somerset County 4-H hosted the 6th annual 4-H Cupcake Wars where members collaborated to design and bake a cupcake judged on appearance, flavor, and presentation of recipe
Using recycled materials, the children made a wide variety of creations such as robots, space stations with aliens, and trick-or-treat baskets
There are a ton of behind-the-scenes preparations in order to make the fair happen and one very special group, the computer club, made it easy for fairgoers to navigate throughout the fair.
Local 4-H Goat Club Wins National Contest
Barbara Navatto, retired 4-H program associate and former Somerset County 4-H Fair manager, was honored by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) with a Community Service Award.
Food ‘n Fun brings Somerset County 4-H members together to share creativity, talent and teamwork all around food!
NJ 4-H hosts first annual Food Day event at Somerset County 4-H Center in Bridgewater, NJ
The joyful event, included celebrating the 40th Anniversary of RVCS and the New Year of the Tiger!
Congratulations to Master Chef member Tess Sushko for placing 1st as in Individual Junior in the Virtual NJ 4-H Cooking Challenge
Congrats to Erin Bate of Furry Friends for her Certificate of Service Completion as part of the February 2022 New Year - Better You 4-H Challenge of NJ.
Congratulations to our Somerset County members, Hannah Golden and Natalie Marlow of the Just Kidding Goat Club for placing 2nd in the Senior Division Quiz Bowl.
Focused on teamwork and creativity, the Cupcake Wars is a baking competition open to all 4-H members throughout the state of New Jersey in which members have their cupcakes judged based on appearance, flavor, and creativity.
With community engagement, club leadership, and 4-H dedication at the heart of everyone who earns their Outstanding title, we are incredibly proud and humbled by the recipients of 2020. Their passion for creating a better world runs through everything we do and we are extremely fortunate to have them in our organization.
A huge congratulations to Somerset County 4-H / Middle Earth Students Ambassadors for Community Health (SACH) club for their recent recognition by the Somerset County Board of Commissioners.
Somerset County 4-H is proud of all our local participants in the 2020 New Jersey Virtual State Fair. Youth were able to showcase their knowledge for a variety of categories including animals, arts, food and crafts, horticulture, science, and 4-H spirit.
During the winter season, days are shorter and colder, leaving many people feeling sluggish, unmotivated, or even a little sad at times. It’s easy to slip into the “winter blues”, a seasonal slump brought on by lack of sunlight and dreary weather. Staying healthy and happy is possible by engaging in healthy activities and cultivating a positive mindset.
Hiking is an ideal opportunity to connect with nature and really observe and explore the beauty of our Earth
Farmer’s markets are a fun way to enjoy the beauty of autumn while shopping for seasonal produce
Whether you are on the field playing sports or relaxing at the beach this summer, it is important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. The human body is made up of more than half water. Water is essential to…
In the US, over one-third of the edible food supply is wasted. Most people don’t realize how often they waste food and the negative impact it has for the environment, our economy and for food security, which means having reliable access to affordable and nutritious food.
Preparing meals that balance good nutrition around what your family will enjoy can sometimes seem impossible…
Being aware of thoughts and feelings can help change behavior to help achieve results in all areas wellness, especially heart health.
As we welcome a new year, many of us reflect on the past year, think about changes we want to make and goals we want to achieve
There is a lot to love about the holiday season like decorating, concerts, shopping and spending time with family and friends. Sometimes with all the…
For many Americans, November is a time of gratitude as we celebrate Thanksgiving and enter the holiday season. It is a time that greatly effects our social and emotional health when…
Halloween is a time of year both kids and adults can enjoy dressing up as funny clowns, scary zombies, fuzzy black cats or glamorous princesses as they run through the neighborhood trick or treating for candy with their friends. I have vivid memories of…
When warm summer days transition into cool mornings, it’s a sign that summer is coming to an end as we welcome Fall and a new school year. Here are a few tips to help you and your family stay healthy as you balance your time in the new routine.
Summer brings an abundance of fresh produce and we are lucky to live in the Garden State at the heart of fresh fruits and vegetables which farmers produce for consumers nationally and around the world. New Jersey is one of…
Whether you are on the field playing sports or relaxing at the beach this summer, it is important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. The human body is made up of more than half water. Water is essential to…
Summer is here and we are ready to enjoy warm sunny days at the shore, cool off at the pool, and play in the park. While we are enjoying fun in the sun, it is important to be aware of the effects on our skin and take precautions to protect ourselves and our family.
If you ask my children what is their favorite class in school, they would both say physical education, aka “gym class”. It is not surprising, many children enjoy running around, jumping and playing games but….
Spring is in the air and the perfect time to talk about a part of health that doesn’t always get as much attention as physical health does, but plays a vital role in our overall wellness, and all that surrounds us.
The month of March may bring clovers and rainbows with pots of gold to mind, but I always think of National Nutrition Month®! The first National Nutrition Week began in 1973 and included a presidential proclamation, public service announcements, news releases…
February is known as heart month, not just because of sweet Valentines, but because it is nationally recognized as American Heart Month. Celebrating its 57th year, the first proclamation of Heart Month was issued by President Lyndon B. Johnson in February 1964, nine years after…