4-H Members Learn to “Stop the Bleed”


4-H Members Learn to

“Stop the Bleed”


Somerset County 4-H Junior and Senior Council members were recently trained in first aid techniques under the guidance of Ernie Hall, an EMT and 4-H volunteer. Members learned how to properly bandage/wrap wounds and apply tourniquets through interactive, hands-on activities. This training is part of Stop the Bleed, a national awareness campaign by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma that encourages the public to become trained on how to safely control bleeding in emergency situations.


4-H Junior and Senior Council are community service clubs for grades 6-7 and 8 -13, respectively. Both are led by 4-H volunteers, Amanda Hess and Conrad Colon. For information about our 4-H clubs, visit https://4histops.org/clubs . For more information on the Stop the Bleed Program, visit https://www.stopthebleed.org.