A Healthy Heart Starts with Self Care


A Healthy Heart Starts with Self Care

Written by Jennifer Korneski, Somerset County 4-H Healthy Living Program Coordinator

“A healthy outside starts from a healthy inside!”

February is American Heart Month the perfect time to take inventory on our lifestyle habits and reflect on how they affect our heart health. When we take care of our hearts as part of intentional self-care, we reduce the risk of heart disease and set a good example for others we love to do the same.

Research shows heart disease may be preventable more than half the time with simple changes in nutrition, physical activity, weight control, and stress management. In addition to lowering your risk for heart disease and stroke, these changes can often improve overall physical and mental health. 

Making lifestyle changes is not always easy so having an action plan, resources, support, and internal motivation is important. Part of this process is being aware of our thoughts and feelings and how they affect our actions. Procrastination, self-doubt, and fear can unconsciously get in the way of behavior that will help achieve results in all areas wellness.

The University of New Hampshire Extension shares helpful self-care tips to be more mindful of our thoughts and feelings.

Break the Cycle of Negative Self Talk

Pay attention to how you speak to yourself. When thoughts go negative, replace those thoughts with positive evidence that disproves that negative thought.

 Notice How You Feel

If you are feeling tired, think about what may have affected your sleep the night before. If you feel stress, knowing your triggers can help manage how you feel.

 Connect With Others

You are not alone! Connecting with others is a great way to lift your spirits. Talk with friends, family, co-workers, or even a counselor who will listen.

 Have Realistic Expectations

Set realistic goals. Be patient with yourself and with others. Allow yourself to take a break or schedule “you” time into your busy day.

 Let Your Creativity Shine

There are many activities that can help you feel calm and balanced such as drawing, coloring, journaling, playing music, or dancing. Do what makes you smile.

 Get Moving in Nature

Go outside and enjoy a brisk walk. Even a few minutes of fresh air will help clear your head.

 Accept Things You Can Not Control

Instead of constantly thinking about things you can’t change, focus your energy on what is under your control, such as your thoughts, choices, and attitude.

 Remember Your Why

What is your purpose? Who do you love? This is a great reminder of what is important and special to you and why you want to make improvements to your health.

 Learn to Say NO

Setting boundaries and limits can be very difficult but one of the most important ways you can make time for your self-care.

 Practice Gratitude

Journaling what you are grateful for is a practice that can immediately lift your spirits. Show others gratitude and kindness and see how easy it is to feel joy.

 Take a Grounding Moment

A few minutes of meditation or deep breathing can be the quiet time you need to focus and recharge.


Somerset County 4-H